UTFAV routinely creates products that contain information related to domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking and/or sex trafficking. UTFAV also compiles and shares information related to statistics, reports and other information from other entities, including the Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center and more.
7 Grandfather Teachings


MMIR Toolkit

Funding Opportunities

Tribal Communities

Cultural Videos

Personal Protection Order Project with Michigan Indian Legal Services
Uniting Three Fires Against Violence worked with Michigan Indian Legal Services (MILS) to gather information related to victim services for individuals seeking personal protection orders from the Tribal courts located within Michigan. That information can be found in “Know Your Rights” brochures that contain specific information for each Tribal community. In addition, MILS has made available fillable Personal Protection Order forms for most of the Tribal communities. You can view the brochures and forms HERE.